GPCA meeting 22nd January 2020

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May I start by wishing you all a happy New Year.


As you may have read in the last issue of Goldsworth News, the GPCA is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation – a CIO and the first General (public) meeting of the new Charity will be held at 7.30pm on Wednesday, 22nd January 2020 in the Community Hall at Goldwater Lodge.


If there are any issues that you wish to raise at the meeting, it would be helpful if you would let me or Celia Young know the details; we can then try to ensure that the right people are present.


One topic that I will be raising is that of Membership of the GPCA CIO.  In the past, the GPCA considered all residents to be members by virtue of living in Goldsworth Park.  However, the Charity Commission requires every Association CIO to have a membership register and the GPCA CIO will have to comply.


I am, therefore, inviting you to become a member of the GPCA CIO.


The Constitution, which can be seen on the web-site, sets out the rules relating to membership of the CIO.  In brief:-

  • Membership is open to all individuals aged 18 and over who live in Goldsworth Park and the surrounding neighbourhood.
  • It is the duty of each member of the CIO to exercise their powers in the way they decide in good faith would be most likely to further the purposes of the CIO.
  • Membership of the CIO will come to an end if the member dies or moves away, resigns, owes money to the CIO, or if the Charity Trustees decide that it is in the best interests of the CIO that the member in question should be removed from membership.
  • Members will be invited to all general meetings including the AGM; they will be sent the minutes of each meeting and a copy of the annual report and the accounts prior to the AGM.
  • Members may call a general meeting in certain circumstances and propose resolutions.
  • Members may vote to elect Trustees, to approve any changes to the Constitution, and to wind up the CIO.
  • Members may be asked to pay reasonable membership fees.


If you wish to become a member of the GPCA CIO, please provide me with your name and email address, postal address and telephone number(s).  If you live outside Goldsworth Park, please explain your interest in becoming a member of the GPCA CIO, e.g. you regularly use or walk round the lake and recreation ground, you shop in the shopping centre, you used to live or work here and like to keep in touch, etc.


By providing this information, you are agreeing to the GPCA CIO holding and processing your personal information which will be held in a register/mailing list on the Chair’s and Secretary’s computers which are password protected, virus protected and backed up.  The data is held for the purposes of legitimate interests and will be kept while you are a member.  When you cease to be a member, the record will be deleted.


The way that your personal data will be collected, stored and used complies with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which came into force on 25th May 2018, which means that the GPCA CIO will not sell or otherwise hand over any personal data to any third parties without your explicit permission.  The Charity Commission, however, reserves the right to inspect the register of members.  You have the right to know what information is held about you and what is done with it, and to correct anything which is inaccurate.  You may ask for a copy of the data held about you by writing or emailing to the Chair.  The GPCA CIO has a Privacy and Data Protection Policy Statement which can be viewed on the website.


You may apply by email, by letter or at the meeting on 22nd.


I hope that you will be able to attend the meeting.


Irene Watson


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